Último Número (Nov 2024)
- Interview. “Supporting conventional therapies through nutritional strategies, can make them more effective” – Georg Seiferto
- Seafook system. Ripple Effects: expploring The Intimate Connection Between Ocean Health, Human Wellbeing and Climate Change – Joan Moranta
- Free radicals. Manifiesto por una medicina “imposible” – Àlex Gómez-Marín
- Oncology. Scientific Evidence in Integrative Oncology II – Juan Serrano Gandia
- MI. El derecho del ciudadano al desarrollo y práctica de la medicina integrativa – Francisco Almodóvar Navalón
- Pedritatics. Sensory integration, polyvagal theory and its application in the clinic – Mar Begara
- Psychedelic. Psychedelic Medicine: Towards a New Era in the Treatment of Mental Disorders in Integrative Medicine – Sergio Abanades León
- Nursing. Ethics and bioethics applied in care integrative – M. Jiménez Herrera
- Detoxification. Fungi and Heavy Metal Detoxification: An Evidence-Based Approach – Sergio Mejía Viana