RSMI Blog Neuroplasticidad The human voice, a fascinating instrument for healing and awareness

The human voice, a fascinating instrument for healing and awareness

Yvonne de Bruijn
Psychotherapist and studied social sciences, mediation, gender characteristics, deep ecology, psychotherapy, kinesiology, craniosacral therapy, Touch for Health, Voice Movement Integration.
From 1995 she developed the Pansori Living Sound™ approach. Since 2005 she has worked mainly with the human voice, both in workshops and in her private practice. She teaches the Pansori approach to healthcare professionals in Europe and the Far East.
Yvonne is a member of ISMETA (USA) and a certified somatic movement educator and therapist.


The body-oriented psychotherapist Yvonne de Bruijn presents her paper on the Pansori Living Sound™, a therapeutic method which she has developed over the past twenty-eight years. This started when she encountered a woman who sustained a serious brain injury and who benefited from Yvonne’s singing.

Since then, Yvonne has been collaborating with several scientists to study the effect that the voice has on the body, and developing her therapeutic method based on four important factors, such as sound-oriented singing to support the brain in making new network connections and activate its neuroplasticity.

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